CISCO and NetHope: Technology Collaboration in Action

CISCO and NetHope demonstrate collaboration and partnership in action. CISCO, a global technology leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate, and collaborate, values its partnership with NetHope. Randy Pond, Executive Vice President of

Operations at CISCO, and Dipak Basu, NetHope Co-Founder, discuss their partnership and reveal how their values and mission overlap.

Synergy Among Global Technology Leaders

What is eye-opening here is CISCO’s willingness to partner with other global technology leaders, Microsoft and Accenture, in bringing best technology practices, technology deployment, and disaster recovery capabilities in a way that no one entity could have done by themselves. This is technology collaboration and partnership in practice.

This scaling of technology solutions in disaster relief, mobile healthcare solutions delivery, and agriculture in developing countries enables these private entities to re-import the technology solutions in the developed world. What is learned in developing a mobile healthcare technology application, capability, and platform is now a model that can be used in better, more efficient and effective healthcare delivery in the United States.

NetHope fosters technology partnerships involving NGOs, private technology entities, local governments, and funding institutions, such as the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations.  As a result of these public-private partnerships, the ability to showcase projects that private entities would not normally fund are created. In addition to improving the lives of the people in the developing country, the private entity benefits from the partnership and collaboration in discovering a scalable solution that they can take to the marketplace.

Partnership Opportunities with NetHope

Global technology leadership and a multi-billion dollar balance sheets is not required to partner with NetHope.

Just as CISCO has discovered, we here at Magnify Good in our work as the lead communications strategist for The Patterson Foundation, also found an overlap of values, mission, and approach with NetHope. This is why The Patterson Foundation chose to become a catalyst funder of NetHope’s Open Humanitarian Initiative. CISCO is funding the next 6-9 month incubation phase as the Open Humanitarian Initiative moves into the Open Humanitarian Alliance.

The CISCO/NetHope relationship, along with CISCO’s recruiting of other global technology leaders is a shining example of the power of public-private partnerships in action.

As a social sector communications agency, MagnifyGood specializes in elevating the marketing, PR, branding, advertising, and social media of nonprofits, foundations, and other mission-driven organizations. Looking to enhance your donor engagement, create compelling impact stories, establish a brand that aligns with your mission, or explore innovative strategies to connect with your community? Contact us here. Let’s magnify good together.

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