Building Connections Through a Holistic Approach to Communications

Are you communicating or actually connecting?

You just launched a new initiative that you know is newsworthy. You sent out a perfectly crafted news release to local reporters and distributed it via the newswire. You expected a flurry of activity, but media coverage, was, to say the least, disappointing. So what happened? How can you make the connection with those who care?

We believe the key to successful communications that foster connections is taking a holistic approach. That means that all your communication tools need to be in sync. Your audiences are diverse and they receive news and information in a variety of ways — through traditional media, blogs, email, social media and more. In order to reach them, you need to have a plan that utilizes everything in your PR toolbox.

To be effective and instantly recognizable, your message and brand should have the same look and feel. Your website, collateral and social media should present a consistent voice – one that reflects your identity. This way you are creating a unified image that is constantly reinforced as you advance your work.

The component that often gets lost is being strategic every step of the way. Before you even consider sending out a news release or posting on Facebook, base your efforts on a strategy. Consider your goal, target audience and appropriate timing.

Although social media is an increasingly important marketing tool, results for the 2015 CMO Survey indicate that companies are not integrating social media into marketing strategies as much as they should be. When asked how effectively social media is linked to their company’s marketing strategy on a 1-7 scale where 1 is “not integrated” and 7 is “very integrated,” the average level of integration was only 4.2. The survey also showed that although social media budgets are increasing, over the past four years, the level of integration has not increased significantly.   

Taking a holistic approach means integrating social media into your marketing strategy and aligning your website and social media platforms with your brand.

Here are five steps to jumpstart your approach:

  1. Integrate social media into marketing activities. Social media is not an auxiliary tool. It should be integrated into every communications plan.
  2. Do your research. Find out which communications tools are most effective for your audience and what you want them to do as you focus your efforts.
  3. Link each communications tool to a specific objective. Consider why you are using each tool. Because it’s the latest and greatest? Or because it will help you reach your target audience?  
  4. Create social media toolkits/brand standards. Ensure strategic alignment and a more unified brand image by providing guidelines for social media posts.
  5. Evaluate your social media profiles and website. Be sure the same brand images and messages are portrayed on each platform.

As a social sector communications agency, MagnifyGood specializes in elevating the marketing, PR, branding, advertising, and social media of nonprofits, foundations, and other mission-driven organizations. Looking to enhance your donor engagement, create compelling impact stories, establish a brand that aligns with your mission, or explore innovative strategies to connect with your community? Contact us here. Let’s magnify good together.

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